vSphere Supervisor Services

Data Services Manager Consumption Operator 2.2.0 Configuration

Below is table that highlights the required fields for the Data Services Manager(DSM) Consumption Operator data values file.

Property Value Description
imagePullSecret remove this property not required as we have enabled anonymous image pull
imagePullSecretGeneration.create.password remove this property not required as we have enabled anonymous image pull
imagePullSecretGeneration.create.server remove this property not required as we have enabled anonymous image pull
imagePullSecretGeneration.create.username remove this property not required as we have enabled anonymous image pull
dsm.authSecretName Secret name Name of the secret that contains the DSM credentials
dsm.authSecretGeneration.create.endpoint https://<DSM_PROVIDER_IP> URL of the DSM provider (do no use FQDN)
dsm.authSecretGeneration.create.user DSM username Username present in the DSM provider
dsm.authSecretGeneration.create.password Password Password of the DSM user
dsm.authSecretGeneration.create.rootCA DSM root CA YAML multi-line string containing the DSM root CA. Available under /opt/vmware/tdm-provider/cert/provider-ca-cert.pem in DSM provider.
Note: Make sure to use yaml multi-line syntax
dsm.allowedInfrastructurePolicies List of allowed infrastructure policies It is a full list or subset of infrastructure policies available in DSM provider.
dsm.allowedBackupLocations List of allowed backup locations It is a full list or subset of backup locations available in DSM provider.
applyToNamespaces.backupLocations List of default backup locations It is a full list or subset of dsm.allowedBackupLocations. This enables the automatic deployment of backup location binding in namespaces that are qualified by the applyToNamespaces.selector.matchAnnotations configuration
applyToNamespaces.infrastructurePolicies List of default infrastructure policies It is a full list or subset of dsm.allowedInfrastructurePolicies. This enables the automatic deployment of infrastructure policy binding in namespaces that are qualified by the applyToNamespaces.selector.matchAnnotations configuration
applyToNamespaces.selector.matchAnnotations Annotations of the namespaces where we need to deploy infrastructure policy binding and backup location binding by default You can find these by running kubectl get namespace <NS_NAME> -oyaml. Select the a subset annotations from the output, which is common across all the namespaces.
Note: remove {} and add the annotation below as properties of matchAnnotations
dsm.adminNamespace Name of the admin namespace It is the name of the admin namespace on the consumption side which syncs dsm-system namespace on the DSM provider side.
Eg: co-dsm-system
consumptionClusterName Cluster name A name to uniquely identify the consumption cluster